Welcome Summer Students!

The Rubenstein Group welcomes Daniel (“Jungho”) Choi of Brown University via the Undergraduate Teaching and Research Assistanceship (UTRA) Program, Carson Cole of Webber State University via the Leadership Alliance Program, Omar Martinez of Blackstone Academy via the ACS Project Seed Program, Jessie Huang of Wellesley College, Swati Bodh via the Khorana Scholars Program, Jorge Estrada from the University of Cantabria exchange program, and Hang Zhang from USTC to the group for the summer. They will be working on projects ranging from machine learning molecular databases to predicting correlations in beta-lacatmase drug binding. Welcome to all and thank you for boosting the group’s efforts!

For more on the Brown University UTRA Program: https://www.brown.edu/academics/college/fellowships/utra/

For more on Carson Cole and the Leadership Alliance: https://www.brown.edu/academics/chemistry/news/2018/06/chemistry-brown-welcomes-leadership-alliance-summer-researchers-0 , https://www.theleadershipalliance.org/programs/summer-research

For more on the RI ACS Project Seed Program for high school students: https://www.brown.edu/research/labs/rubenstein/news/2018/03/brown-uri-and-providence-college-receive-acs-project-seed-grant

For more on the Khorana Scholars Program for Indian students: https://www.winstepforward.org/khorana-program//

For more on the University of Cantabria Exchange Program: https://www.brown.edu/academics/college/special-programs/international-study/programs/brown-0/brown-spain/brown-spain-physics-program

(Picture: Rubenstein Group at Mystic Acquarium, June 2018.)